My expressionist style paintings of landscape and figures are intuitive and an abstraction of the colours which surround us denoting a personal expression of mood, emotion, time and place.
My imagination and creativity is fuelled by an interest in landscape and the history of its people. Amongst the landscape are the contrasting scenes of beauty, dereliction, industrial architecture, urbanisation, countryside and everyday life.
2022 Alice through the Looking Glass Exhibition, The World of Glass, St Helens
2022 Manchester Open Exhibition, HOME, Manchester
2021 New Shift, New Art Space, Wigan
2021 From The Ground Up, New Art Space, Wigan
2021 In Isolation Exhibition, The World of Glass, St. Helens
2021 Bubble Exhibition, Cross Street Arts, Standish
2021 Restriction Exhibition, Clay Hill Arts, Bridgewater, Somerset
Website: tinafinch.art
Twitter: @TinaFin98279144
Instagram: @tinafinchart